ELDOWAS has a well established Quality Assurance Section which is managed by a highly qualified and well-experienced staff whose mandate provide assurance that the quality of water supplied and the final effluent discharged comply with the required standards. The company Laboratory is ISO 17025 Certified and is accredited for analysis of potable water. The laboratory is well equipped with ultra-modern equipment for ensuring that we continuously maintain high quality standards of potable water and effluent that meet the required national as well as international environmental standards.
ELDOWAS ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Accredited Laboratory
In line with our mandate of the provision of quality and affordable water that is available to our consumers, we have continued to maintain the highest standards in our abstraction, treatment and distribution processes. The service area covered by ELDOWAS, like many other areas, continues to experience a water deficit with demand far outs-stripping supply. In order to ensure sufficient availability of the scarce resource, the company continues to enhance conservation measures aimed at curbing water losses through the establishment of a fully fledged Non Revenue Water (NRW) unit and the use of modern technologies including adoption of HDPE pipes and smart metering technologies to manage water losses and improve service efficiency. The company also continues to explore additional water sources, the latest one being the commissioning of the Kapsoya – Ellegirini water project and the Naiberi Water Treatment Plant in August 2018. Other upcoming water projects include the Kipkaren Dam, Two Rivers Dam, Kerita Dam and the Endaragwa Dam Projects. An elaborate Water Master Plan for Uasin Gishu County has been developed which, when fully realized, will ensure water sufficiency until 2040.
On wastewater treatment and disposal, the company has adopted modern technology to ensure that the quality of the final effluent being discharged into the environment meets the set national and international standards. The waste water treatment processes and proper disposal measures reduce potentially adverse impacts of effluent on the general health of downstream users and threats to the environment. Further, we ensure that manufacturing entities and other industries within Eldoret municipality adhere to acceptable standards of effluent discharged into our sewerage system as set out by NEMA and other regulatory bodies.